Ndihmë për Fëmijët
Fondacioni ynë "Ndihmë për Fëmijët" është një organizatë Shqipëtare e shoqërisë civile që synon të ndihmojë fëmijët dhe familjet në nevojë nëpërmjet programeve dhe projekteve të ndryshme. Ne fokusohemi në përmirësimin e kushteve të jetesës dhe mundësive për zhvillim të fëmijëve në nevojë.
Current Projects
We present you with some of our current projects. Together, we are building a brighter future for future generations.
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For a better life and a safer future for everyone
Children of the 9-year cycle benefited from educational, awareness-raising, cultural and entertainment services; of these 460 children are part of the Roma and Egyptian community; 600 of them had fun at summer camps.
Young people outside the school system are trained in life skills and supported in their personal, interpersonal, professional, educational and economic development.
The children attended school regularly.
Young people are employed
Formal businesses have been set up in Lezhë, Fier (Baltëz) Fushë Krujë, Elbasan, Shkoder, Lushnje, Tirana and Divjakë for young people and parents.
Young people have been supported to register and attend vocational training courses.
Representatives from the municipalities and decentralized structures of Fier, Lezha and Kruja, Lushnja, Durrës and Tirana have increased their capacities in social work with families and children through training from the University of Applied Sciences of Lucerne in Switzerland and training on Integrated Social Services. for the family.
Young people attended trainings on entrepreneurship.
Our foundation has carried out a variety of activities to help children in need, including educational programs, health care and community support.
Njihuni me teper me ta!

Facilitating the integration of children into the public school system (pre-school, 9-year and high school) – to enable access to quality education

Psycho-social support for children and their families.

Facilitating integration into the labor market through cooperation with businesses and individual development of life skills.