Principles of Work

"We build on achievements" is the strategic key towards the consolidation and impact in the system of all the activities of the NPF, with the aim of creating sustainable changes in the lives of children in need, families and communities, as well as influencing the decision-making of the Albanian government to undertake adequate services of continuous for these categories of the population.

"Nothing for people in need without their participation" - is the slogan that guides the activities of the NPF, with the aim of supporting individuals and groups in need to be able to help and improve their lives and be the owners of their own development. This is achieved through their participation in: (a) NPF Board of Directors, (b) project steering committees, (c) local project advisory boards, (d) implementation of project activities, (e) as interlocutors with the authorities of central and local government.

"Connection with the strategies of the Albanian Government", such as the Strategy for improving the living conditions of the Roma; Social inclusion strategy; National strategy for education; Strategy against human trafficking and respective action plans. Links with these strategies will enable actions to be anchored in the state system and contribute directly to the implementation of action plans.

"Synergies help for a real change" it is essential in the NPF intervention methodology. NPF is open and seeks to establish partnerships with stakeholders and groups interested in the foundation's field of activity. It is a member of the BKTF (Together Against Child Trafficking) coalition and collaborates with other local/national/international/government initiatives. Furthermore, the sharing of expertise and experience will be further enhanced through the development of contacts with other similar organizations and institutions in the Western Balkans region.

"Gender Inclusion" is and will be integrated into all project activities, focusing especially on building the capacities of girls and women in need as well as employment opportunities, encouraging girls to get an education and facilitating access to vocational training courses .

"Human rights-based approach" is and will be the axis of NPF activities with the aim of fighting against discrimination.